I’ve now diverted my work on this novel twice, both times to work on a short story idea. Both times I’ve been happy with the result, but somehow my short stories keep growing into novelettes. This last one is now titled “Life on Mars,” and runs something around 10.5K words. This is fine and all, but these danged 10K stories take twice as long to write as the 5K shorts I keep expecting to write. (Go figure).
I expect I’ll finish the second draft of LoM tomorrow AM. It probably needs another, of course. Three seems to be my norm, sometimes four. Well, okay, sometimes it takes five or six or, ahem, considerably more, but I’m working hard to ignore those situations. 🙂
My concern right now is that I have, yes, another idea for a short story wriggling around in my mind. With Christmas holidays coming along I’ll decide what to work on next in the next day or so, but I suppose I should consider the old idea that good things come in threes? Ya think?