Typosphere vs. Watermarks!

So, we got back from our standard weekend workout program this morning. I made lunch and settled in for a round of deleting the waves of spam that comes to my blog comments. I was clicking them off by rote when I came across one of my favorites of all time. There among the various comments that make it sound like someone actually cares about your posts (but are obviously just semi-random sentences), was one that said “Hasn’t everyone gotten bored of this crap by now”

I admit that was a new one for me.

Now, a few weeks ago my buddy Lisa Silverthorne claimed her blog must be the most boring blog in existence, but I think this is serious evidence that mine is now clearly ahead in that chase. I mean, cripes, even my spam is complaining.



I managed to get through about 40 pages on the novel rewrite, everthing continues to go well. I’ve also received the proofs for Picasso’s Cat & Others, and spent some time working through high-level review. Should finish that up pretty quickly.

Good day so far, eh?

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