Top 10 Things About Today

Top 10 things that made today great:

1 – Lisa made frapuccinos
2 – Wrote for several hours. Story pretty much done. I think I like it. [grin]
3 – Raced on the internet … set new Personal Best
4 – Received the Greatest FollowEver on Twitter. As far as I’m concerned, anyway.
5 – Finished John Scalzi’s “Agent to the Stars” — highly recommended if you’re looking for a light/entertaining read.
6 – Watched the end of an outstanding F1 race–won by Ferrari and Alonso on his home soil.
7 – Over 30,000 steps and counting — including a run to the health club, 30 minutes on the weights, and a run back home. Probably finish over 35,000 today
8 – Made progress on two key work items — yeah, I know it’s Sunday. Deal.
9 – Two words: Jimmy John’s
10 – Did I mention Lisa made frapaccunos?

And a special #11

11 – Lisa having a blast with her super-secret project related to her new car.

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Posted in Daily Writing, Life.

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