“The Collector” to Appear in Elemental Masters Anthology

It looks like the heat wave is breaking a bit. Only supposed to get to 87 today by the paper. I actually went outside to work in the yard for a half-hour yesterday. Sweated like a pig.


The great news today is that Mercedes Lackey and John Helfers have accepted my short story “The Collector” for Ms. Lackey’s Elemental Masters Anthology. This was an interesting one to write, and I’m both happy it was accepted and really interested to see how it will be received. It’s the second “alternate history with a twist” story of my so-called career–“Operation Hercules” being the first.

Interestingly enough this news comes on the heels of receiving the copy edited manuscript of “Operation Hercules,” which will be published in an up-coming issue of OnSpec.

Maybe I need to do more of these, eh?

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Posted in Daily Writing, Short Stories.

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