I saw this on Roy Gillett’s facebook page. Take a look. It’s a story about the Real Relay, an effort to actually run the relay course that the Olympic torch is taking. I think this is absolutely the greatest thing. It works on every level–it’s the epitome of the Olympic ideal in the sense that these are all clearly amateur athletes doing their task for the joy and spirit of it. It works as a social statement because it heightens the awareness of celebrity that has grown up around the games–I love that when I went to the story one of the links highlighted was how Katie Holmes was going to get to touch the official torch…I mean, who cares? And it works as a statement of work ethic overcoming glitz in that the Real Torch is soon to pass the Official Torch, it’s a true-life tortoise and the hare rip-off in that fashion.
Read it. Feel what the runners feel. I really liked the comment from Jill Kear: “It was just a thrill really that in this Olympics I, as a humble person who has never really achieved much, could be part of something so big.”
Click through the links to the maps and see where the torch is now.
I think this is the story the media should lead off with on day one of the actual games. I think the athletes should be challenged to participate with these folks in mind. It would set the entire stage. And if the organizers had any sense they would find a way to make these runners a part of the games themselves. I have no idea how, but it should be done.
It won’t happen, of course. But in a just world it should. 🙂