In the Moment

I put another 1,200 words onto my “found” story idea this morning, bringing it up to something around 2,700 total and counting. It’s an interesting process right now because I’m moving forward without any real clue to where each section is going. It’s really a full discovery mode process, unnerving in ways, and thrilling in others. After years of generally plotting things pretty heavily at the start, I’ve come to that style more often in the past year or two. It seems to work.

I’ve felt oddly close to this story ever since coming across the first couple sentences in an old “manuscript” (if you can call three sentences a manuscript, anyway). This morning the flow gave me a new twist, a twist that deepens one of the prime characters immensely. It was one of those very nice moments when after a sentence came out of my fingers I just sat there, staring at it for the longest time.


No idea if this things will be good or not in the end, but it was pretty danged cool there in the moment, and right now that’s all I can ask.

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