Upcoming Publication Events

It’s getting ready to be a little busy on the publishing front in the near future, so I thought I would take a moment to point a few things out, just in case anyone might want to get ready to chase them down. In roughly chronological order:

  • “Operation Hercules” is expected to appear sometime in late April (I think) in OnSpec, a Canadian magazine. I’ll be the featured author, and the volume will have a nice little interview. The story is an alternate WWII thing, with dinosaurs! Much fun.
  • “After” will appear in “16 One Sentence Stories” in the very near future. I’ve received the initial cut on it, and it’s pretty danged cool.
  • John Bodin and I are working to release a mini-collection of our two previously published Indy 500 stories, and a third original work (a short story currently titled “Race Through Time”) sometime in early May. More to come on that in the next week or two, of course.
  • “The Legend of Parker Clark and Lois Jane” will appear in the Fiction River anthology “How to Save the World” in June. More on that as we get closer.
  • I’m thinking “Teammates” will appear in the July issue of “Galaxy’s Edge.
  • And per the galley proofs I just returned, it looks like my novelette “Following Jules” will be in the October issue of Analog, which means it will probably hit the stands in August or so.
  • So, yeah, it’s going to be a fun summer.

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