Time for Some Fanboyish Tomfoolery

So I’m completely stoked to see the Table of Contents of the July issue of Galaxy’s Edge. Not only because it has my story “Teammates” in it, but because of some of the other folks in it–and one in particular. As of July I’ll be able to say I was in the same publication as the legendary Jack Williamson.

Having done this publishing thing for a … ahem … few years, I’ll admit I can get a little stoic about appearing in various locations. Act like you’ve been there, you know? But I also like that inside I can be quite the fanboy. And this one’s got me smiling quite a bit.

I met Mr. Williamson in LA during one of my WotF gigs. He was a kind, well-spoken gentleman.

Pretty danged cool.

Anyway, here’s the Table of Contents:

The Editor’s Word, by Mike Resnick
The Islands of Hope, by Heidi Ruby Miller
A Soldier’s Complaint, by Eric Flint
The Held Daughter, by Laurie Tom.
A Galaxy Called Rome, by Barry N. Malzberg
A Brief History of the World in the Time Before This Time, by Muxing Zhao
With Folded Hands, Jack Williamson
Just Another Night at the Quarterly Meeting of Terrifying Giant
Monsters, by Brennan Harvey
Two Fantasies, by C. L. Moore
Teammates, by Ron Collins
Buried Hopes, by Michael F. Flynn
A Frozen Future (science column), by Gregory Benford
What We Need (column), by Barry N. Malzberg
Book Reviews, by Paul Cook
Halfway Human novel excerpt, by Carolyn Ives Gilman
Dark Universe by Daniel F. Galouye – Part 3

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