So close

Apropos of nothing, I suppose, but one would have thought that becoming a full-time would have resulted in me spending more time here, but it’s not really working out that way.

Not yet, anyway.


I’m getting antsy (in a good way) about my Glamour of the God-touched serial.

I’ve been reading the episodes aloud for the past week and a half–specifically working to smooth phrasing and help it read well. I’ve been doing this read-aloud thing for most of my work over the past 8-12 months, and I think it’s helped me feel whatever “voice” I have. That’s my story, anyway, and I’m sticking to it. I’m half-way through the eight episodes now and it’s going really well.

In this case, I’m also spending considerable time writing a one-page synopsis for each episode. This had been more helpful than I would have thought possible (yes, this is where you roll your eyes and tell me what a stoopid doof I am, and that it should be obvious this would help, but, hey, this is me we’re talking about…everyone should know I’m essentially untrainable until I stumble upon these things myself). I break these into three small sections: a line or two of meta data, a third of a page of “back cover” material, and a half page of a treatment that describes the plot and thematic elements I care about.

It’s been so helpful that this morning I decided to break out of the reading process to focus on the 1-pagers in advance of the readings. So this morning I completed the synopsis pages of episodes 5 and 6. This afternoon should see me get through 7 and, finally, 8.

So close, I tell you.

So close.

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