Well, this is pretty cool, eh?
Today I get the remarkable pleasure of reporting that a kickstarter for The 2015 Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide has gone live! This is a really remarkable project that I’m happy to be a part of. It’s a deeply inclusive work targeted to the middle grade levels. Your pledges can me made to ensure copies of the books get donated to the schools and libraries of your choice. The creators of this anthology have put a lot of their own funds behind it, and if you’ve got middle-grade kids (or just want to help them!), you could do a lot of good by chipping in.
Not to mention that you can pick up a copy of a pretty cool book that has stories by not one, but two Collins’s!
That’s right. Brigid (my daughter, of course!) appears in these same pages with me! This is the first cover ever that includes us both.
So you can read us both, and decide just how much better she is. [grin]
You can take it from here, right?