Happy to note that Pathways, the latest Valdemar anthology is out, complete with my story “Out of the Pelagirs,” and Brigid’s story “Silent Storms.” It’s noteworthy that Brigid’s work is so full of the awesome that it leads the volume off.
Yes, my daughter is better than me.
Yes, I can live with that. [grin] If you enjoy fairy tales, she’s got a couple coming out in bundles pretty soon that will blow you away. Get notified here.
Regardless, If you love fantasy (and, of course, if you love Mercedes Lackey’s Valdemar world), this is always a great little collection that I’m proud to be in.
Like my other stories in these anthologies, “Out of the Pelagirs” follows Nwah and Kade—a kyree and human set of linked companions as they begin growing out of adolescence and into the beings the are meant to become. For the first time they leave the comfort of their home woods (hence, “Out of the Pelagirs”) and find themselves dealing with people who live in the city. I love these characters, and I really enjoy writing from the point of view of the female other. It stretches me in ways other points of view don’t, and I think that’s always both fun and educational.
I hope you like it, too. And, well, if you don’t, just be happy to read Brigid’s tale. It’s worth the price of the volume on its own (he says, with no sense pride whatsoever).
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Congratulations, Ron and Brigid! What a great family achievement, go team!! 🙂