Publication day is always a good day, so you can take it from there.
Happy to announce that my story “Star Cruise” is now available in the anthology Have Ship, Will Travel. This a big collection of stories from a lot of really talented writers (and me, too!). So if you’re a fan of Space Opera—and, let’s face it, who isn’t—you’ll be reading on this one for a while to come.
My own contribution is set in the Stealing the Sun universe, and joins Alex Whittier, recent Academy graduate, as he takes a celebratory Star Cruise with his father—a ranking member inside the United Government, and a man Alex has often found prickly. As always, things are not exactly as they appear.
“I’ve received a report that Universe Three has slipped an agent on board. I’d like you to determine who it is.”
“Interesting.” Father furrowed his well-trimmed brow. “A U3 mole.”
“Yes, interesting,” the captain said.
Hope you enjoy it!