It’s hard to believe now, but it’s been a half dozen years since STARFLIGHT, Book One of Stealing the Sun was published. Now comes STARBORN, the ninth and final volume of the series. To say I’m excited about this just doesn’t do it justice. At all.
STARBORN was such a fun book to write because brings together all the intergalactic threads I’ve been playing with and, finally, lets the characters see under the hood (to mix metaphors in ways I find wonderful). Reading it will let you see what I mean—each of the three major systems in the story line are already “infiltrated” coming into the events of STARBORN, but certain truths are going to finally confront each other in ways that are both predictable and not. That’s how things work, right? That’s what makes us a civilization.
Anyway. Enough of that.
If you’ve been following the series, I hope you’ll like this one. There’s more I can do in this world, of course. Different stories I could tell. But STARBORN brings to an end the primary narrative I set up in the first books. Anything else would deserve its own brace of books.
If you’re one of those who likes to wait until the end to binge read a series, you can get Book One here, too!
And now, it’s off to sleep and begin planning my next set of fun projects.