I Appear on the WotF Podcast!

I had the distinct pleasure of sitting with Writers of the Future podcast host John Goodman for an hour a few days back. The result is linked down below. I hope you find it as fun to listen to as I did contributing.

The WotF contest will always have a major place in my development as a writer, and it was great to think back on it—particularly since my series Stealing the Sun came from one of the stories I wrote there. Looking back on my time in Los Angeles (twice!). I admit I’ve often wondered whether the contest is simply finding good writers who gravitate to it—in other words, are the writers self-selecting or is the contest actually helping to create them on the spot. A little of both is the right answer, I suppose.

Regardless, it’s a great gig for a new science fiction writer. Highly recommended.

Anyway, I’ll not steal the thunder of John’s interview.

Check it out here.

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