Yep. I got sidetracked for about a month and a little. I’m sure I’ll blog about it sometime here soon, but right now suffice to say that time moves forward … well … except maybe in this very cool new Story Bundle that you can find “The Magical Mystery Cruise!,” another collaboration with Jeff, my guitar playing brother.

The book is another in the wacky world of music, mayhem, and mystery that sees James and Lyn Moore, aka the Cruise Brothers, aka The Intergalactic Band of Brilliance, get caught up in even more trouble caused by Frisky, their gloriously catlike cat. I’ll just say that this one fits here because it involves Time Travel, but to say more would maybe give away too much of the thing’s charm. So…um…I’ll just say that if you like quick-reads full of off-beat humor (in the vein of Scooby Doo meeting the Partridge Family in Lost in Space), this one might be fore you.
I always love being in story bundles because they give readers great chances to grab good books at a low price—though to a degree, you can pay what you want—and because it means readers get to support great charities, in this case it’s Girls on the Run.
Beyond all that, this one is great fun because this represents the official release of “The Magical Mystery Cruise!” That’s right. While the book in its full multimedia flare (I mentioned my brother is a professional musician, right?) will Kickstart along with the whole series later this year, and will be available at all your favorite stores in (probably) early 2025, for the very limited time of this Story Bundle, you can pick it up NOW before anyone else.