Buck O’Neil and My Day at the Book Shop

I wish I could say the good guy always wins, but that’s not how the world works. Sometimes good people win, sometimes they don’t. But either way, at least good is always good. # There I was, at a place that sells used stuff, hanging around shelves filled with dusty old books while my wife […]

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I don’t know if I’ve ever been more intrigued with a New York congressional primary winner than I am right now. No, let me restate that—there’s no doubt that I’ve never been more intrigued with what’s going on in New York politics than I am today. I don’t mean that as an antagonism toward New […]

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Me, Obama, and the Seven Magic Espresso Beans

Each day since Christmas, I’ve included seven chocolate covered espresso beans in my morning routine. This is because, as she does most years, Lisa gave me a bag for the holidays and when I have them … well … they’re yummy, you know? Like most people’s brains, mine sometimes does loops around and asks weird […]

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My breakfast with Phasma

I woke up this morning with a billion things going through my head, mostly things I’m wanting to get done, and also this weird question that I’ll probably blog about sometime (Top 5 List: people you would like to meet with over coffee). Once I’m up, I drop a few kibbles down for the cat, […]

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Ron’s Recommendation: The Memory Palace

As with most things, I’ve come upon Nate DiMeo’s Memory Palace podcast late. Technically, this is good because it means I have well over a hundred episodes I can listen to rather than waiting breathlessly for the next one to drop. Seriously, each of these episodes are a a great way to spend ten minutes […]

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Five More Things I Like

Another day, another Trump blast. Yes, it can be more than a little exhausting keeping up with a guy who seems to wake up every day with a self-aggrandizing agenda peppered with the various “ism” of the day. That’s life though. In the midst of the stress brought on by negativism, I wanted to take […]

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Five Things I like:

Amid all this negativity, I wanted to focus on something good, something positive. So, in no particular order, here are five things off the top of my head that I like a lot. 1) The Catalina Mountains When we moved to Arizona, we had no real idea what we were getting. We made the decision […]

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Jimmy Kimmel is wrong

Since this blog is chronically behind the times, I’m sure everyone is now aware that Jimmy Kimmel made a particularly heartrending monologue a couple days ago in which he described events surrounding the birth of his son, a kid who came into the world with a congenital heart defect. In it he talks about the […]

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