When Plans Go Astray

I recently spent over a week at a workshop in Oregon where I heard Kris Rusch talk a little about her September, which she’s blogged about, and which I’ll term as a “month from Hell.” For me, that month has been October. At the beginning of the month, the plan had been to have four […]

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The End of Brawn

I promise to write about science fiction again tomorrow, but I came across something that made me … uh … “smile” is not quite right. But it was something that made me nod. Yes, that’s the right word. Nod. A few months ago, I wrote a bit that I titled The Rules, They Are A […]

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On the holding of abeyance of Godwin’s Law

I had a brief Facebook conversation recently, wherein a friend posted something that gently prodded me for finally making a post that wasn’t political. That made me smile. If you’ve followed me over the many years I’ve posted, you’ll see I’m generally not overly political in nature. For the most part, I haven’t cared much […]

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The Rules, They Are A Changin’

A few weeks back I was talking to my dad about jobs and the way the world is changing. The conversation was about what “work” means, but it was as much about politics—how policies might change, and how policies of the past are going to be completely unable to deal with the population as it […]

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My Last Four Books and the Beauty of Paper

The last four books I have read are: Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Prachet Epitaph by Mary Doria Russell Welcome to the Monkey House by Kurt Vonnegut Parable of the Sower Octavia Butler Besides being fantastic, and a shade on the older side, and aside from having been written by superstars, the thing […]

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Old Gifts Never Die

Back in 1993, before I went to work in Corporate America, I worked in the civil service Navy. When I left, the command threw many parties—all of which I assumed were to honor me, though some of which may well have been for other reasons.(grin) One of the gifts that one of my co-workers gave […]

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Workload and the Writer

So, yeah … remember that thing about how quitting the day job to write full time will help with the work load? Not happening. This writing gig, it turns out, is just about the same as any project-oriented corporate job I’ve ever had—the multitude of projects overlap forever, and the base skillset for “surviving” is […]

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I find myself stopping at points this morning, and just letting out deep sighs. There are passings and there are passings, you know? For me, and I assume many others, the loss of David Bowie has hit very hard. It’s a strange sense I have, this thing with Bowie. I loved his work. It’s widely […]

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I found this 4-minute film a few days back, but just got around to looking at it. As we move through the holiday season (here in the west, anyway) and into that period where we may just maybe be thinking about things like making resolutions that will help us become better people or maybe just […]

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