Fun Podcasts

For those with a little extra time, here’s an interesting pair of podcasts, both from Studio360. American Icons: The Wizard of Oz Like many American’s, my family has a history with the Wizard, though we tend to call it “Wizard a’Boz!!!” these days due to it being one of those films that Brigid watch about […]

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Photo From the Conference

Here’s me in the lobby of the Crump Theater during the Bartholomew County Writer’s Conference. It was great fun to be at a conference with participation of so many different types of writers. (Photo via Suzanne Purewal) Kimberly and Paul Hoffman, Me, Darby Rae, Suzanne Purewal, and Leigh Savage.

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BCW Conference, and a Fun Toy

I spent yesterday at the Bartholomew Country Writer’s Conference (sponsored by Pen It! magazine), which was a great time. I met several writers I hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting, and heard a ton of advice–some I agreed with, and some, of course, that I didn’t. But that’s the way it goes, eh? Us folks […]

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Elric Meets Indiana Jones

I’m moving more fully into what was once “book two” of the series I’m working on, but which will now be episodes 5-7 (or maybe 8 ) of the series I’m tentatively thinking of as “The Lords of Existence.” The first four episodes are made of elements that were once the novel “Glamour of the […]

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Garfunkel Showing his Artsy Roots

While reading the forums and listening to Radio Paradise (independently programmed radio–highly recommended) some time back, both Lisa and I came to this outstanding history and discussion about the making of Simon and Garfunkel’s “Bridge over Troubled Water.” I love the whole technical discussion about how they got the sounds they were looking for–not specifically […]

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Britney Spears does SF?

Since it’s in the title, I should probably lead with it … so here it is: Britney Spears does SF? # Since I’m in the media frame of mind, I’m currently reading a pair of books–Stephen King’s Full Dark, No Stars, and a “Best of” collection of Edmund Hamilton’s work. King’s work is great, of […]

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C-buz Interview Posted

We’ve got a local site here in Columbus (Indiana, not Ohio) that focuses on creative people in and around the local area. They just posted an interview of me, complete with some nifty photos (including one of me and Albert Einstein!). And, if you’re interested in something a little more science-y, here’s news of some […]

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