I went back to “regular” work yesterday. Odd, I know. Take a week off Thursday-to-Thursday. It makes sense for me and my professional role at present, though, and sometimes you just have to say “what the hell.”
Today will be day two.
This is important because today also represents Morning Two, meaning my second straight morning of getting up at 4:30 and making it downstairs to complete a chapter’s rewrite. Today was more difficult merely because I was up late finishing work that I’m now way behind on due to my vacation. Life is like that. You can take time off, but everyone else continues to move forward.
Still, I’m happy. I got up–only a little late, I fed the cat, and I made it downstairs. I avoided the pratfalls of the normal dalliances that I can sometimes use to avoid progress, which would have been easy since I had left off at a bit of a sticky point yesterday. Difficult thoughts and decisions are the ones most fun to put off, and all that. But I didn’t put anything off. I dug my heels in and I got my way through the rough spot, and even went back and made it even better than I thought it could be.
At least I think it’s better, and really, I’m the only one who matters at this point.