Meanwhile, back at the ranch …
I’m happy to say that the pre-order numbers for Glamour of the God-Touched have been interesting enough to put the book on the Amazon Top 100 list for short SF & Fantasy Reads for all of yesterday (at 64 pages, it barely qualifies … but I’ll take it)! I have not been resting on my laurels, however. Instead, the world has shifted into overdrive as we near the November 15th launch date. If nothing else, this whole indie project has given me an appreciation for the work a publisher provides. There are a billion things, to do … not the least of which, of course, is keeping episodes 2, 3, and beyond on track.
Which brings me to the point of this little soiree we’re having today—that being a chance to reveal the cover to Trail of the Torean, which happens to be volume 2 of the Saga of the God-Touched Mage. I’m really excited about it. Rachel Carpenter is doing all the art work for the series, and I’m really enjoying what she’s coming up with.

Pretty danged cool, eh?
Stay tuned over for breaking news on the series over the next couple days. (ooooo … sounds so journalistic, eh?)