Garrick Rides with Tempus!

Glamour of the God-Touched Available for Pre-Order in Immortals Every now and again in this business you get to have one of those really cool things come along that just make you smile. One of those is happening to me now. It’s all under the umbrella of having Glamour of the God-Touched, the first novella […]

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Kobo Deal: Saga of the God-Touched Mage

If you’ve been interested in checking out my fantasy series Saga of the God-Touched Mage, here’s a quick post-holiday blast to note that now may be the time. Kobo is running a series of deals on the two boxed sets… Saga of the God-Touched Mage: Volumes 1-4 (40% off) CA: US: UK: […]

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Kobo gives you a deal on my stuff

Yes, I’m busily working on finishing up my SF series. Yes, It’ll be out soonish. But today I need to stop to let you know that for the next four days only, Kobo is running a deep 50% discount on my stuff. That’s right, you can get 50% off my work. May your joy know […]

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Get Zombies and Monsters and Gods!

Want to support a charity? Want to get Volume 1 of the Saga of the God-Touched Mage along with nine other really cool books with (you got it) Zombies and Monsters and Gods? Want to set your own price for $44 worth of books? Check out the Zombies & Monsters & Gods Bundle on BundleRabbit! […]

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How about 30% off “Saga”

We interrupt this ridiculously comical presidential campaign to let you know that you can get the entire Saga of the God-Touched Mage series (yes, all eight volumes in one great package!) at Kobo for 30% off through the weekend. How do you achieve this momentous deal? How to you acquire such vast and bounteous treasure? […]

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While Ron’s driving, you get a deal

Go West, young man (and you, too, Ron) Whew. It’s been nearly three months, but the day has dawned. Tomorrow I should be heading west. Finally. It’ll take me four or five days to drive the distance. In celebration, I thought I would go ahead and put the omnibus edition of Saga on a steep […]

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Kobo cuts you deals for all my stuff!

Turning on the self-promotional voice … It’s a happy Friday when Kobo decides to give 50% off for all my stuff! (Assuming, that is, you’re a reader in Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, or South Africa, anyway). I hear you, my friends. I really do. You’re asking me, “Ron, how does one […]

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Epic Fantasy bundle!

I’m pleased to note that Glamour of the God-Touched, the first novella of the Saga of the God-Touched series is now available in an Epic Story Bundle with twelve other works. This is a really cool approach, and is available for only a limited time (22 days at this writing!). Check it out. The bundle […]

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