MMM (in OnSpec) reviewed

I’m a week or two delinquent in posting this, but Diane Walton sent me this most interesting review of the current issue of OnSpec, which contains my story “Marvelous, Magnificent, Murderous.”

I got a kick out of it. Thought you might too.

My favorite part is “I liked it best because it goes against the crazy ‘Star Trek’ idea that all alien races can be persuaded to take up the warm, fluffy liberal values of American intellectuals.” Which, maybe means its got gritty characters? Or not. Shrug. For me, reading reviews is the weirdest part about being a writer–after reading rejections, anyway.

If you like speculative fiction (and why wouldn’t you?), you could do a lot worse than to subscribe to OnSpec.

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Posted in Review.


  1. Hi Ron – I wrote that review and I was referring to the fact that you have the whole galaxy agree to the genocide of a particularly nasty race. Genocide is generally viewed as bad and never happens in Star Trek. I wasn’t particular in the comment because I didn’t want to spoil the story for readers. I recommend On Spec too. And Perihelion SF which has one of my stories in this months issue out November 12. (I write as well as review.)

  2. Hi, Eamonn. Great review. I definitely enjoyed it–and I did get the base idea around Star Trek concepts of conflict. Of course, there is the Borg to stand in contrast to that idea. I appreciate the difficulty of reviewing without revealing

    I think I’ve only read on issue of Perihelion SF. I’ll have to go get more.

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