You’ll be shocked to learn that having words already written on an earlier draft of a story doesn’t really speed you up as much as you’d think. In fact, it slows you down.
Truth is, I’d probably have been better off just to dump them and write fresh—but instead I spent today “recycling” over the work I did yesterday, then digging deeper into what is now chapter 2 of the book. As with most of the Stealing the Sun series, there are multiple timelines winding through the book, so I often find myself playing with pacing and shifting scenes and POV. What is now chapters 2 and 3 were further downstream when I first laid it out. Maybe they will shift again soon. Time will tell.
What this means is that I’ve been through about 3,000 words of stuff, but can really only claim maybe 500 words of true progress. So that’s what I’ll do.
On the upside, I think the two chapters that are finished are truly finished now, meaning that if the story structure remains close to “correct,” that the second pass on them will be quite minimal.
So that’s good.
Total Dare Word Count Now: 2,100