Drafts One and Two

The latest tale is drawing to its end. I have a couple items I need to research to make sure I’m getting things right, and I think the last scene still feels kind of tagged on. But it should be done in the next day or two. I think. This is the story I spoke […]

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Do the Work, Ron

Okay, so I’ve been talking about how I’ve been writing these days by basically just showing up at the keyboard and starting to type, that I pick up the virtual phone and listen to the character, and let the thing happen however it happens. And, yes, I’ve been pretty happy with the results. But…well… This […]

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A Thousand Words of Clarity

It’s been a week, though it didn’t seem like I got all that much done. And, I guess in reality I didn’t. But, of course, I did. [Geez, Ron, why do you have to make yourself sound so danged dense?] I took the weekend prior “off” to do some tax work, which is certainly done. […]

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Preparing for Success

Finished the read-through of my Book 2 draft. Still like it quite a bit, which doesn’t suck and all that. The main reason I decided to to a power-read on it was to take a look at the outline. I envision this story to happen over as many as six or eight books now, none […]

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I admit to being a bit stalled on the new short story. I think this is a major flaw in the concept of growing stories organically, but what the heck. So, rather than beat my head against the concrete, I’ve changed course and spent the morning reading the “shitty first draft” of the second book […]

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Morning Weirdness

I had a weird thing happen yesterday morning as I was writing.  It was one of those little gems that pop themselves up every now and again, and that maybe wind up being nothing or maybe wind up being … well … not nothing. In a recent post, I noted that my writing process had […]

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Addressing A Vacuum

I feel like I’m in this incredibly strange position. While I’ve never considered myself to have ever really stopped writing, I admit fully that I’ve stepped extremely far from the center of the world I knew previously–though I guess it’s more appropriate to say I stopped moving, and the rest of the world kept right […]

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