Daily Teds Finished

Well, the weird opening resulted in a short story that I’ve titled “Daily Teds.” It was one of those gift stories. Lisa will be working all day tomorrow, so I think I’ll challenge myself to write a story in its entirety in a day. Should be fun. Thinking about it, I’ll make this game interesting […]

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End of the String?

I managed a couple thousand words on the new/weird story this morning. I think I know what the deal is now, and expect another couple hours will finish the first draft. It’s really in a form more toward a plot treatment than an actual story right now, as I want to make sure I get […]

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The Curious Case of Anthony Boucher

I woke up early this morning, as often happens because the cat has this thing abut eating. This usually means I wake up and get going for the morning. I have this tendency to fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow, but once I’m up, I’m up for good. This morning I went […]

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It came out of nowhere…

Now I’m in deep. I just wrote myself about 500 pretty spiffy words that, quite honestly, came out of nowhere. I had planned to write something else that has been congealing in my mind for the past week or so. But when I sat down this bit just kind of wrote itself. And it’s a […]

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Trust me, I’m done. Kinda.

As these things sometimes happen, I woke up today with a nagging doubt about “Life on Mars.” So, while I claimed it was finished through draft two yesterday, it turns out I was actually lying. Sorry about that. I added a new ending, and probably another thousand words overall after doing the detailed surgery it […]

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Draft Two in the Can

Hmmm…not sure about that title, but what the heck. The second draft of “Life on Mars” is complete, taking two mornings rather than the one morning I had originally predicted. I’m sure it needs another few things, but I’ll let it sit a day or three and come back to it with fresher eyes. But […]

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It’s Raining Novelettes

I’ve now diverted my work on this novel twice, both times to work on a short story idea. Both times I’ve been happy with the result, but somehow my short stories keep growing into novelettes. This last one is now titled “Life on Mars,” and runs something around 10.5K words. This is fine and all, […]

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A K Every Day

LISTENING TO: Neil Young I’m claiming another thousand words this morning, though honesty requires I state it’s probably a little shy. Damn you honesty! Two primary movements remain to be told to complete the story. Still think the final draft will be done Friday, of course it helps that I’ll be off that day and […]

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One Title, Coming Up?

This is a bit of an unusual story for me in that I don’t have a working title for it. Usually I have an idea what I want to call something I’m actively writing. But this one has just kind of grown organically. But I got about a thousand words down this morning, and an […]

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