
Let’s talk for a moment about one of the more interesting innovations that have come about in this digital age: specifically, bundles. You know what I’m point at, right? These are gatherings of otherwise disparate books or stories into a single entity that the reader then picks up as a single entity. Given that indie […]

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On the Pulling of Milo’s Book

Some years back I was talking to an editor. At the time I was a pretty bright-faced newbie. We were discussing the job of acquisition editors—in other words, the choices publishers make in deciding what books they buy and what books they don’t. The guy described the final assessment as this: “If we can make […]

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Rules #3 and #5

Today I got to partake in Heinlein’s Rules #3 and #5. For those of you who read my little bloggy thing and are unfamiliar with Heinlein’s Rules, these are five simple but difficult pieces of advice given by (naturally) Robert A. Heinlein. They consist of: – – – – – – – 1.) You must […]

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The Stones, via Salon

I love reading about Exile on Main Street almost as much as I love listening to it. As a few of you know, my short story “Tumbling Dice,” which was written as part of an Oregon Coast Workshop and subsequently published by Analog last year, was essentially a retelling of that album–or at least heavily […]

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What do you do about piracy?

TLDR Version: Ron’s Basic Piracy Policy: If you are struggling financially, if the idea of spending the price of a book gives you that ugly feeling down in the pit of your stomach and that feeling driving you to go to the pirate sites for free books, send me a note (ron*at*typosphere.com) telling me what […]

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Two Whole Freaking Days?

When it takes you nearly two entire days to update your publishing financial data you can probably say several things: 1. Three months is too long between updates 2. You have a ridiculously complex and detailed system 3. Amazon has changed how they do some things since the last time. 4. It’s time to simplify, […]

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Kobo cuts you deals for all my stuff!

Turning on the self-promotional voice … It’s a happy Friday when Kobo decides to give 50% off for all my stuff! (Assuming, that is, you’re a reader in Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, or South Africa, anyway). I hear you, my friends. I really do. You’re asking me, “Ron, how does one […]

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Taylor Swift & The Culture of Free

So Taylor Swift has pulled her catalog off Spotify. She has been a proponent of artists being paid properly for their work, she’s apparently decided to make a point. It’s certainly an interesting one. Let’s face it, Swift is going to make a chunk of change, no matter how she releases her work. That’s what […]

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