A Walk on the Beach

Sunday afternoon, before we left, Lisa Silverthorne and I walked on the beach along the Cost of Lincoln City, Oregon. It was a sunny day, but cold. I was wearing layers, as was Lisa, but the wind can still somehow manage to get through. It didn’t matter, though. It was, at that moment, the perfect […]

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Freakonomics Takes on Copyright

Here’s an interesting podcast from Freakonomics about copyright. I find pretty much everything these guys look at to be interesting, even when the results themselves are not as compelling as others. I like that they at least make the attempt to be data-driven about things. In this case, I think the main takeaways are that […]

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To SFWA or Not to SFWA

There was a time when I was a card-carrying member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, otherwise known as SFWA. I let my membership lapse for a collection of reasons, specifically including the fact that a huge amount of its energy was being spent defining who could be a part of it […]

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Welcome to Hectic City

Holy Cows, has January been hectic. I mean, fifteen days have absolutely flown past. I’m working the normal 9-10 hours a day, reading tons of short stuff, and getting to the gym occasionally. I’ve easily topped my 20K steps a day goal as an average. I took a full day and pulled off a surprise […]

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Novel Dare – Day 18

So I picked up 2,610 words today, coulda/shoulda done better, but I’m not going to complain. Story is still moving, and I know pretty much where we’re going starting in the morning–which should portend good progress tomorrow, too. This was a milestone day, too, as we crossed 30,000 words for the package.

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Monkeys, the Next New Market?

File this under the heading that it’s not only people who are strange. # In my “day off” yesterday, I ran into a pair of interesting videos about economics in the monkey community.  That last isnot a sentence I every thought I might type in my lifetime, but it is proof that the world is […]

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Unsticking it to the Man

Here’s an interesting TED talk on learning that also has an element of how the world is changing as a global entity. Lots of exciting stuff in the future, eh? # If you’re interested in piracy and the business of indie publishing then I think it’s important you read David Lowery’s response to a letter […]

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A few things are starting to shake out and I thought I might drop them here just because, well, because that’s what you do with these things, eh? BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY WRITER’S CONFERENCE: For anyone in the central/southern Indiana area, I’ll be a guest speaker at the Bartholomew County writer’s conference on Saturday, October 6. It’s […]

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Who Needs Batman When You’ve Got Robin?

“Oh, I forgot to tell you,” I said to Lisa. “For maybe the first time I’ve been saved by a copy editor who wasn’t you.” This drew her attention. Lisa is, you see, a remarkable copy editor, having made her living doing that for a number of years before turning to the darkside of Corporate […]

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