BCW Conference, and a Fun Toy

I spent yesterday at the Bartholomew Country Writer’s Conference (sponsored by Pen It! magazine), which was a great time. I met several writers I hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting, and heard a ton of advice–some I agreed with, and some, of course, that I didn’t. But that’s the way it goes, eh? Us folks […]

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Out of The Cold and into “The Woods”

It turns out that when an Ultimate Virus/Cold takes you off line for two weeks (or more), it takes quite a while to get back into a normal flow. Things back up, you know? It’s no fun. And then your significant other gets it and that takes time, and, well, those are my excuses, and […]

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Never Ever After

I took a break from “The Count of Monte Cristo” to take in Ruth Nestvold’s “Never Ever After,” a brief collection of three short stories you can pickup for .99 at Amazon. I’ve been impressed with Ruth‘s SF in the past, but don’t remember reading her fantasy work. The first and third stories (“A Serca […]

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Tim Pratt’s Impossible Dreams

I saw Tim Pratt linked to a short movie made of his Hugo winning story “Impossible Dreams,” It’s a really nice treatment of a great little story. Well worth the twenty minutes. The fact that it’s in a foreign language (for me!) and built in subtitles gives it an even better feel. # Moving into […]

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Story Recommendation: Burial Detail

Kris Rusch has a practice of putting up a free story every week, something she calls “Free Fiction Monday.”  It’s always something interesting, because, well, because she’s a heckuva writer.  She puts up science fiction, and fantasy, and romance.  Short stories, and novel snippets.  Whatever. There’s only a few days left on this one, but […]

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Fiction at Subterranean

I’ve just ready two really interesting pieces of fiction that say a lot about relationships, in very different ways: Younger Women by Karen Joy Fowler. Mirror, Mirror by Tobias S. Buckell. Speculative fiction–gotta love it.

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Escape Pod Recommendations

So I’ve been on an Escape Pod jag while doing my health-club time lately. Two stories I can recommend: You’re Almost Here by Melinda Thielbar (originally published in Bull Spec), and Written on the Wind by David D.Levine. You can either download the podcast on those links or read the story in written form. Very […]

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