A road-map to writing avoidance

1. Wake up a little late, and don’t get to anything productive until something past 8:30. This is actually a great way to not write. 2. Start by focusing on something actually important that is not focused on creating words. Like tax preparation. This is what I did today, and it quite easily ate up […]

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Getting my act together

The Oregon Coast workshop kind of kicked my butt. Buy that, I mean it was more work than I had planned for, and as such it’s taken me a little mind-shifting to get myself back on my path. One major thing I took away from it was that as a new freelancer, I needed to […]

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Poor Lisa

So, Brigid and I are planning to attend a workshop together in late February, which will be pretty danged cool–at least for me. On her side, she’s going to have to put up with being around her dorky dad for a week. My guess is that she’ll run off and hide with some other writers […]

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A story, stumbled upon

So I’m down in the basement today working away at this short story that’s due for a workshop by the end of Sunday. No problem. I’ve actually been fiddling with it for two days, and all is well. It’s a fine story. I am not disappointed in it. Then, through a serendipitous event or three, […]

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Clutching stories in the snow

This morning started, like so many December mornings seem to, with a quick running of the snow shovel over the driveway. Hmpf. In more interesting “news,” I woke up today with something I’ll call a full story stuck in my mind. So, once the driveway was done and the beloved wife deposited at her place […]

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