Novel Dare – Day 13

The main character finds a way to deepen his plot twist, and the second lead gains a fresher life (to me anyway).  This will be helpful as we move into the end game.  The third character waits in the wings, nearly ready to play his part.

This is getting fun again.


Just over 1200 words this morning is pretty good.  I would like to average 800 or so a morning during the week, so 900 yesterday and 1200 today works.  The story as a whole has risen past 24,000 words.  I think I’ve got 50K worth of story to tell.  We’ll see.  As I said before, I’m more interested in getting to a fitting “the end” than I am in hitting 50K.  No real idea of exactly how many words that will take for this one.

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Posted in Daily Writing, Dare to be Bad, Novels.

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