October Dare: Day 11, Morning Notes

Got a later start today than normal, probably because I woke up in the middle of the night with an odd pain in my hip. No idea why. Maybe it’s just getting old, or maybe it was because the cat was sleeping on me. < shrug >. Got back to sleep a bit later, though. […]

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October Dare: Day 10 – Fighting the River

“A Dare is about letting your soul free.” Some time ago I said that to my writing twin Lisa Silverthorne. A Dare is about letting your soul free. We were talking about the concept of writing a novel in a month (or less) versus the idea inherent in what is now the classic NaNoWriMo thing—which […]

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Novel Dare Days 1 and 2

October 2019 vs. October 2020: What Difference a Year Can Make, eh? Anyway… If you saw my weak sauce Facebook post yesterday you’ll know that I have now embarked on a classic Novel Dare challenge, initiated by my devilishly devious daughter and enjoined by my lightning fast friend. When she first asked I thought: wow, […]

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Day 27 (two days late) – Shutdown

So, here’s the thing. I’ve just seen Lisa Silverthorne’s news about completing the Novel Dare challenge, and I’m so stoked I can’t barely believe it. It makes me happy in ways that are like watching the moon rise over the mountains here in Oro Valley, or like watching the stars glitter in the big expanse […]

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Day 25 – Cresting 50K

This was the first day in a long time where I could start in the morning and work pretty clear through the early afternoon. The story is coming along, and I’m at about 51K. With six days left I’m thinking I’ll probably finish the full story—though we’ll see if I have to do a little […]

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Day 19 – Three “Sprints”

Dad’s cat’s reaction to the Dare isn’t all that It’s been a bit of a weird day in that I wrote in what are essentially three “sprints” that add up to about 3,500 words on the day. I use the quotes in “sprints” because the first span of time was really spent in front of […]

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Day 17 – 1500 Words

I “lost” the morning’s time–quotes there to mean that I didn’t lose the time so much as chose to spend it helping to take my father’s car into the shop for both repair and check up. The afternoon was a little better, but I admit that (1) I was tired, and (2) I got distracted […]

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Day 16 – 2K Words, and Superstition!

Hey, I’m totally stoked to see that Superstitious, the latest Fiction River anthology is out. As fate would have it, this one has stories by both me and Lisa Silverthorne (my Dare-mate) in it, too–as well as several other great writers. In an additional twist of fate, my story, “The Robin Club,” is also a […]

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Day 8 – Spies Arrives!

Yeah, I know these Novel Dare entries are intended to be about the work I’m doing on the book itself, but this one didn’t really go there. Sorry about that. I’ll do better tomorrow. # # # As fate would have it, the mailman brought me a contributor’s copy of the “Spies” edition of Fiction […]

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