STS-8 Dare: Day 29 & 30 (17 . whatever forevers)

For reasons noted above, I managed only a paltry 300 new words yesterday. Still, progress is progress and I shall not be more than the tiniest but bothered by that.

Today I did better, but only after coming to a realization that I was feeling bogged down. I’m coming to the last stages of the storyline, and I know what is going to happen. This makes me think I can manage to make words without too much trouble. If forced, I probably could. But I got to realizing that what I was really itching to do was to go back and make the front of the book “right” now.

As they say, you never really learn how to write. Instead, you learn how to write this book, and this book was whispering to me to go back and straighten the kinks now. So that’s what I’ve been doing.

Anyway, I had fun getting back into the front end, and now—armed with knowledge about what I’m doing in the bigger picture—fleshing out a few things. All total I’ve got something like 1,700 new words today, to go with what I’ll claim as 5,300 “recycled.”

I love it when a plan comes together.

Total Dare Word Count Now: 32,950
Total Book: 35,300 words

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