The First And Only Law of Independent Publishing

Last post I wrote about The Three Laws of Editing Lou Anders created many years ago, and touched on how the (and particularly the First Law) created the environment for Independent publishing to grow. Today I’m going to talk mostly about the Second Law. First, let me restate those Three Laws: In a just world, […]

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The Three Laws of Editing

Through the mystical tangles of modern social media reposting, today I came across an interesting frame of reference—written originally by Lou Anders—for how the traditional publishing industry works. It was done in the mid-2000 (2006, as I recall from memory?). But given the fundamental nature of its presentation, I’d say it’s as true now as […]

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Third Day’s a Charm, Right?!

The Book in a Month Dare continues. Today Brigid and I went to a little place on the corner and wrote together for one of my 90-minute blocks. That’s always fun. In general, that’s how I work. Ninety minute runs, then a break to do something else—be it business or frivolity. Then ninety more. Depending […]

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It’s a New Year and a New Dare – Day 2!

The bad news is that my main computer’s check disk ran through the day and into the night. So no more words. The good news is that nothing was truly wrong. Just some indexing gone astray and whatnot. So nothing seems horribly wrong. I think, anyway. Regardless, things seem to be running smoothly. So it’s […]

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Away We Go

So it’s the first day of a new year. A fresh start. Yay us! Lisa, Brigid and I stayed up last night and watched fireworks over Las Vegas. I’m of multiple minds about the relative merits of such displays, but it was quite enjoyable as far as that goes. Our view of the Strat, the […]

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Outfield Magicked: Novel Dare (Day 1)

So, Brigid and I are doing a Novel Dare alongside Lisa Silverthorne. Yes, round up the usual suspects, right? Yesterday was Day 1, and it went “well” in that we’re working on OUTFIELD MAGICKED, Book three of our Faries and Fastballs series. We had completed chapter one a month and a half ago, but then […]

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I Feel Great for New Writers

Dean Wesley Smith is on a kick, writing a series of blog posts that he calls “I Feel Bad for New Writers.” The gist of it is that he’s come back from watching twelve new writers at this year’s Writers of the Future session as they try to deal with career advice—and that the bulk […]

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Believe In Your Work

If you’re into Indie publishing and Kickstartness, read on! Especially, in this case, if you’re into psychological horror. Hang on a moment, and you’ll see why I say that. So, here’s a fun little bit that describes all that is good in the publishing world. I received an email yesterday from Danielle Williams, who, with […]

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