Novel Dare – Day 27

Congrats to young Nick-o for completing his 50K!


Morning Update (7:06 am) – Two major scenes of progress this morning, and over 1500 words of true progress.  Counting a tiny bit of rewriting, my pace is up to somewhere around 900 words an hour, which is the strongest indicator that I’ve actually got a real handle on what I’m doing now.  Technically I picked up over 1500 words this morning, but that doesn’t count the 500 or so that I kinda rewrote again.  So, no question I’ll hit the required 50K.  What I like best is that the characters are starting to jump off the page at me now with great regularity.  I don’t know how else to describe it except to say characters are jumping off the page, but I’ve always found that to be bot a great sign for the story, and to be great fun for me personally.  It’s like new people talking to me and imparting things about themselves without using words.  Yeah, I know.  Weird.

The day’s going to be a full one at work, including a lunch session, so probably won’t see much more progress today unless I’m feeling up to words in the late night period.  Always possible.

Excited to see where this will end.

Evening Update (9:57PM) – Picked up a quick 500 or so words, finishing up at a hair over 2K for the day.  I only got a half-hour in, but that means I’m still working at about 1000 words an hour.  Pretty cool.

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Posted in Daily Writing, Dare to be Bad, Novels.

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