Check Out Our HOMERUN ENCHANTED Trailer!

Brigid and I are now officially one day away from launching our first collaborative Kickstarter, and we’re very excited. With any luck we’ll fund enough to keep rolling along, and with real luck we’ll fund well enough to be able to commission some super-cool character baseball cards. Time will tell, of course, and the game […]

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I Appear on the WotF Podcast!

I had the distinct pleasure of sitting with Writers of the Future podcast host John Goodman for an hour a few days back. The result is linked down below. I hope you find it as fun to listen to as I did contributing. The WotF contest will always have a major place in my development […]

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Announcing Home Run Enchanted!

I can’t believe how excited I am to say this, but here it is! After lots of recent vaguebooking, I can finally announce that Brigid (an excellent writer, and my daughter to go with it) and I have finally committed novel together! Yay! Can I use any more exclamation points!!! And it gets so much […]

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