How to Turn Writing Into a Career

I recently participated in an interview for an article for the Penmen Review, which is an online journal for the creative writing program at Southern New Hampshire University. It was a lot of fun–because, let’s face it, talking about writing is always fun. As the article’s title suggests (which is the title of this blog […]

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Baseball, Books, and Banter!

Well, this was fun! As baseball’s opening day draws near and, more importantly, as the official publication launch of Home Run Enchanted edges to right around the corner, Nicole Asselin had Brigid and me onto her very cool podcast Baseball, Book, and Banter. Speaking for Brigid, we had a great time talking about the project, […]

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Kobo Addendum

In support of a good blog post on the values of buying books “wide,” my friend Tracy Cooper-Posey just posted her sales map on Kobo. She’s pushing Kobo here, and for good reason. It’s a great online bookstore for all the reasons Tracy lists. You should read the post. Every one of her points are […]

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Ron Reads Readers’ Recommendations

A bit ago I started a thing where I ask members of my Reader List/Newsletter to recommend me books, and if they recommend me one I like I I promised (1) to write about it on the blog, and (2) to give them a free book from my catalog. I recently raised my head above […]

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First Rays of New Sun – Available now!

Alban Arthan. Winterfest. The end of the old year, the birth of the next. Katazarra, once the Lord’s favorite, has been locked in Fae Realm for longer than memory recalls. Then comes James, a human new to the Realm. A prize, not yet bound. A toy given to Katazarra such that she will bind him. […]

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80 Hours

I once wrote a book that was predicated on the idea of describing how the world might feel if the people in it did not need any money. In other words, a world where everyone’s basic needs were always met, and cash was never a concern. You can find it here. I think it’s pretty […]

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Five Seven Five Available Now!

So this one is fun. Available today in both digital and print versions (including hard cover)! Amid all the angst and chaos swirling around artificial intelligence and various forms of art these days, I found the process of creating this project to be interesting in so many ways. Mostly it let me spend a lot […]

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Checking myself out with ChatGPT

Since it seems all the rage, I logged into ChatGPT and asked it to write my bio. What came out was silly fun in the way that a mix of truth and fantasy is fun. I present it here with everything wrong in (bold). Ron Collins is an American science fiction and fantasy author. He […]

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Why the Fear?

I didn’t intend to write a couple thousand words about AI this morning, but watching the scare run through the worlds I pay attention to has been so interesting that this is what came out. For the general public I kind of get that sensation of being afraid. We are a set of generations molded […]

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Check Out Our HOMERUN ENCHANTED Trailer!

Brigid and I are now officially one day away from launching our first collaborative Kickstarter, and we’re very excited. With any luck we’ll fund enough to keep rolling along, and with real luck we’ll fund well enough to be able to commission some super-cool character baseball cards. Time will tell, of course, and the game […]

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