Slow Down to Write Fast

I was getting a bit bored, which is not a good sign. Specifically, I was writing an origin story for a fun new project that I’m going to need to spend some time announcing. But, yeah, I haven’t done that, yet. It’s going to be fun, though. Lots of good stuff. And I get to […]

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We’re Now Library Card Official

Lisa and went to the library this past week, and have now been certified as reliable to take books away from the premises. There was never any doubt about Lisa, of course. She’s as dependable as they come. On the other hand, the gang authenticated me, too. So make of that whatever you want as […]

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Pulp Speed & It’s Just Me in Here

I see Dean Wesley Smith has another bit up on the concept of Pulp Speed. You should read it. You should also take into account your own situation, but you should read it because the important point therein is really not about speed. I know, that seems odd given its title. But I know certain […]

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Write Like Nobody’s Watching

I’m on a bit of a jag recently in which I’m thinking about the perhaps too big and too pompous question of why I write. There are writers I know who primarily seem to write in order to be read. Being read—being published—is certainly in the mix for me, or at least I find myself […]

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“Companion” Sees Print

Quite pleased to see that my short story “Companion,” is out and available in this month’s issue of Analog. I hope you’ll find it creepy in a sense. It is Halloween time, after all. All I’ll say, though, is that it’s not your classic trick or treating kind of thing, though trick or treating does […]

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Writers’ Tics – Though Many

I mentioned awhile back that I typed “The End” on Book 9 (and final?) of my Stealing the Sun series. That meant that the first draft was finished, and that I’d sent it on to Beta readers. Since then I’ve gotten it back, made changes I thought made sense and then passed it on to […]

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What I’m Reading: The Page Turners

A couple days back I was sitting in my office after a day’s work/play, and realized that I would need something to read that evening. As synchronicity does, I ran across the name DeAnna Knippling. Hmmm … I said to myself. DeAnna’s an interesting writer. Which is true. I’ve read some of her short works, […]

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What I’m Reading: Detransition, Baby

I read this book because my sweetie read it for a book club she went to, and was clearly caught up in it. I say that because Detransition, Baby is not for everyone, but perhaps it should be. It’s a controversial (*) work for both its subject matter (transgender and cis characters dealing with parenthood) […]

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