PubShare And The “New” World

I have a guilty pleasure, if not a somewhat silly one. That is, I really enjoy checking my “sales” figures on PubShare. For those unaware, PubShare is a little nook of this (no longer new) world of independent publishing—a place that supports various kinds of fun little projects, including the Boundary Shock Quarterly project I […]

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What I’m Reading: Duramen Rose

Every now and again, you stumble onto something special. Something you weren’t really looking for, but that once you find it you can’t imagine having gone without. This week I hit on one of those things. A true gem hidden in plain sight. I’m talking about a book titled Duramen Rose which was published by […]

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Yes, there’s a great sense of relief rolling through the Collins household this morning because I’m finally seeing the day I’ve been anticipating for some time. My Stealing the Sun series is back in the saddle, passing the final turn and heading into the homestretch (yes, I grew up in Kentucky Derby Land, why do […]

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What I’m Reading: Pacific Blue Tattoo

In the past couple weeks my reading has moved in a escapist direction. Lighter things, or fast-moving things that make it easy to just let your mind slide away and enjoy the ride. I’ve spent the past couple days with my friend Lisa Silverthorne’s novel Pacific Blue Tattoo. It’s a Romantic Suspense story that, for […]

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Marital Crisis Averted!

A few days back I posted a bit about how I’d been baited and switched on my toothpaste. I am now a bit derelict in my duty on reporting back how that situation turned out. To refresh, one of the stories in my family is how my entire married life was predicated having been lured […]

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What I’m reading: Gaia Files

Now here’s something interesting. Hang with me. This is going somewhere. I did something I don’t usually do. I grabbed a copy of a Book 2 in a series without having read the first book. I did this for a couple reasons. First, I needed something different from what I usually read (whatever that is). […]

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Stealing the Sun Returns!

Yay! A few days back, I noted that STARBORN, book 9 (and final) of the Stealing the Sun series is in something close to final draft form. There will be more to come on that in the future, of course. Today, however, I’m really stoked to let you know that at long last, both STARGAMES […]

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I’ve Been Baited and Switched

There is a thing my wife and I say about our relationship—that I only married her for her toothpaste. When we met, you see, she used Aim. I did not. The running joke was that she was the only one who could get Aim, and so, since I decided I liked that better, well … […]

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A Study in Book Covers

Today I found myself “stuck” in a drugstore for fifteen or twenty minutes. I decided to get some steps in, and began walking around the perimeter of the store. Lap after lap. Until I stopped at the books. Something was talking to me about this display, but I wasn’t sure what it was. So I […]

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Everyday Magic

I recently finally got around to reading Octavia Butler’s Eathseed books, which in retrospect, was probably not a great idea. They are pretty bleak dystopia, after all. And Octavia Butler is a brilliant writer. She makes you feel it all the way through. Given that today’s world is edging that way. I’m not sure I […]

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