ND – Day 4.5

Added another 750 words tonight, fleshing out a bit more on the third character and his relationship with his coach–which is really a conduit to his relationship to the world, I guess. More to come there. The character is a runner, which I’m finding interesting to think about. I’ve come to a firm conclusion about […]

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Novel Dare – Day 4

Good, but tentative progress. I’m up to a not startling 2,543 words total (which means I’ve added about 1500 so far today), but I’ve used those words to explore three of the four main characters of the book. Two of them I have down pretty well, and the third is about half-and-half fleshed in–maybe 75%. […]

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Novel Dare – Day 2/3

Okay, I think I ‘m actually ready to start now. This month’s novel is truly just that–a novel in a month, all the way from concept to end. I honestly had no idea what I was going to write when I sat down on Monday morning. I started with only a very vague notion that […]

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Novel Dare – Day 1

Lisa Silverthorne and I are doing a Novel Dare during NanoWriMo. We were originally going to do a Dre in October, but she got caught up in work issues that pushed it back, and as luck and synchronicity would have it, I got caught in work issues later in October that made this decision work […]

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World Series Special!

It’s World Series time, and I figure it’s time to celebrate with a special deal! If you’re into the Tigers or the Giants, I’m sure you figure this is the best time of the year. And if you’re not, we’ll … there’s always the Hot Stove League. I decided that the best way to help […]

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Restructuring, and the Return of the Count

I spent this morning’s writing time completing the basic restructuring of episode five based on my learnings of the past couple days. I definintely think the flow in the first third of the piece works better, though I think I have some more fine-tuning to do in the bottom third. This one’s turning out to […]

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Two Days Reading

If you’re following this fairly sporadic blog, you know that I’m working on separating a pair of novels into their novella-length components. I’m doing this because they breathe better this way (that’s how they were originally envisioned), and because some editorial feedback has suggested the work is good at its core. I’ve made it to […]

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Reading the Right Way?

So, I’m finally getting around to reading “The Count of Monte Cristo,” which is a long damned book. Maybe three weeks in, and I’m about 10% done. Of course, I’m a grazing reader–and I read a lot of things all at once. For example, over these three weeks I’ve also read ten or twelve short […]

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The Last Four Pages

If you’ve been following my highly sporadic twitter feed, you’ll know that I’m drawing near the end of a rewrite of one of my novel-length works. I have new plans for it given this modern age, so I’ve been going through and reworking it. And if you’ve been listening to my tweets you know that […]

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Okay. I’ve avoided this long enough. This morning was spent going back to the novel project I set aside a couple months back. I’ve used the old “got to get a short story done” excuse a few times, and I’ve used the “got to read someone else’s stuff” excuse (just this morning, even). I’ve used […]

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