The Last Sleep

It’s a bit of a sad day around the Typosphere. My favorite sleeping shirt has, alas, seen its last sleep. The shirt in question is a standard white T-shirt with a cartoonish image of cats done in cubist style. I want to say Lisa got it for me at an art fair or something, but […]

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Science Fiction Can Change the World

In the past I have occasionally said that I think science fiction is the most human of all genres. For me this is because pretty much every SF story had at its core “what it means to be human.” I probably stretch that a bit. I suppose an aficionado of any genre could make the […]

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Strapping in for the Double Dare

If you followed my semi-regular blogging over the past two months you’ll know that I completed what I eventually called a “RelaxaDare.” This is a riff off the traditional Novel Dare where a writer does their best to complete a novel draft in a month. The “Relaxa” part of that was that instead of a […]

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STS-8 Dare: Day 51 (the end!)

So, yeah. I finished draft one of the STARDUST today. And I like it. Yay me! Technically I also finished about 25% of the final pass—but mostly because I’ve already done a second pass of the first 70% of the book, give or take, which I’ve documented elsewhere. I’d guess the full second pass will […]

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STS-8 Dare: Day 50 (almost there)

I can’t begin to tell you how insane the past week has been. I mean. Insane with a capital Insane level of insane. All of it good, though. Which is a pleasant change of pace. I’ll talk about only one element right now, and that is that as a result of a well-supported Book Bub […]

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STS-8 Dare: Day 35 (catching up to myself)

I think I misnamed yesterday as 35 when it should have been 34. Shrug. Regardless, I’m quickly “catching up” to where I left off on the first pass. Made it through about 5K words of “recycling,” and added 1500 to the total. Connections are being made and velocity is being attained. The book officially crossed […]

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STS-8 Dare: Day 34 (pacing)

I have to laugh at myself. Every day I finish up thinking that “well, tomorrow I’m set to make some real ground!” And to be fair, I am making good ground. Still, I’m finding that perhaps the idea of scheduling twelve projects to happen kind of all at once is maybe not the best thing […]

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