STS-8 Dare: Day 29 & 30 (17 . whatever forevers)

I have now scientifically determined that it takes exactly 17.987 forevers for Amazon’s system to process a book.#writing #amnotwriting — Ron Collins (@roncollins13) March 29, 2022 For reasons noted above, I managed only a paltry 300 new words yesterday. Still, progress is progress and I shall not be more than the tiniest but bothered by […]

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STS-8 Dare: Day 27 & 28 (finally, a big day)

Written Yesterday I’m coming to grips with the idea that this whole Dare is an exercise in exactly how much other stuff one can do while still progressing a novel in a “reasonable” time. Bottom line, it turns out I did not deserve the benefit of the doubt I gave myself yesterday in that I […]

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Five Magics Now in Print!

I’m happy to note that Five Magics, my collection of five short stories is now officially available as a nice little paperback. This is a project I’ve had on the back-burner for far too long, but makes me happy because, while I haven’t been writing a lot of sword and sorcery short stories in a […]

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STS-8 Dare: Day 24 (three streams)

I got a few hundred more words in yesterday, and then today had one of my better days of the month, “finishing” with 2,400 new words and maybe 1,000 on the recycle scale—which is kind of my “Who’s Line is It” of metrics. I mean, recycle points don’t matter, but I track them anyway. The […]

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STS-8 Dare: Day 23 (filling in the stubs)

Yesterday I noted that I did a bit of pseudo code work on three chapters that came to me as I was rambling in other directions. Today I got to work fleshing them out. As I write this, I’m at about 2,300 new words, and I’ve finished almost all of that…um…fleshing. I need to dismount […]

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STS-8 Dare: Day 22 (gift day)

Today was a “gift” day in more ways than one. The obvious way is that I chose today to give a present to my newsletter followers—which is always fun. But in ways more relevant to the Dare, this day gave me about 1,200 words on a story path that I wasn’t really expecting, but in […]

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STS-8 Dare: Day 21 (a good vibe going)

This “novel in two months” Dare has an interesting vibe to it. I think it’s coming at the right time. If you’re following this at all, you’ve got the general gist of things. I have so many things to get done, you see—both simply to live life as well as to get my feet under […]

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